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The production characteristics and precautions of using organic fertilizer granulator


The production characteristics of organic fertilizer granulator are:

1. The particles produced by the organic fertilizer granulator are balls.

2. The organic fertilizer equipment has high organic content.

3. The use of organic particles under a certain force, embedded with each other and grow, no need to add a binder when granulating.

4. Solid particles, can be screened after granulation, reduce drying energy consumption.

5. Organic matter after fermentation does not need to be dried

Precautions for using organic fertilizer granulator

1, to positive operation; Avoid reversals.

2. It is forbidden to run the empty machine without load, and the heat engine should be fed to run, so as to avoid the phenomenon of sticking (holding shaft).

3, the inlet is strictly prohibited to enter the iron and other debris. So as not to cause unnecessary accidents and affect the safe and normal production of organic fertilizer production lines.